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===== The IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications (IEEE OnlineGreenComm’16)====


IEEE OnlineGreenComm’16 Conference Dates: November 14-17, 2016


IEEE OnlineGreenComm’16 Conference Website


Registration for the IEEE OnlineGreenComm’16 conference:


About IEEE OnlineGreenComm’16:

Enhancing energy efficiency is a worldwide objective towards reducing carbon emissions and strengthening the long term security of energy supply. For instance, in Europe the climate and energy package targets a 20% reduction in energy demands by 2020. ICT plays a major role in this endeavor and it is now widely accepted that energy efficiency is a key performance indicator in the next wave of innovations in communication systems.

In its 6th edition, the 2016 IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications (IEEE OnlineGreenComm’16) is a mature forum which will present, debate and discuss novel research and technological developments in the area of green communications and networking. The IEEE OnlineGreenComm’16 solicits original, unpublished research papers from industrial, academic, and other non-profit or public sector research institutions reporting ideas and results on green communications and networking. In addition, submissions about relevant standardization efforts, field trials, and testbeds related to the previous topics will be presented.


Technology research which will be presented have in focus high impact solutions addressing energy, greenhouse gas emissions, or other sustainability related problems. Also, reports on efficiency improvements on other metrics which will clearly articulate substantial connection to energy or sustainability will be presented.


The IEEE Online GreenComm Conference is itself an experiment in green communications, implemented online through teleconferencing tools. Although online only, Online GreenComm is still a full-fledged IEEE ComSoc conference, adhering to the same high standards of IEEE ComSoc. Accepted conference papers will be published and archived through IEEE Xplore and presentations will be made available at IEEE ComSoc Webcasts. Streaming of conference sessions will be scheduled at different times of day in order to adequately serve all continents. In addition, IEEE OnlineGreenComm's live presentations will be recorded and made available for on-demand access to all registered attendees until December 31, 2016.

IEEE GreenComm conference benefits:


- Cheaper than a standard, in-person IEEE Conference

- No travel required

- No lodging required

- Registration to the conference gives access to the full program, with live sessions from 14-17 November, plus papers and on-demand recordings until the virtual environment closes on 31 December 2016.

- Bonus coverage from other IEEE ComSoc conferences made available to only paid registrants (IEEE ISTAS, and IEEE SmartGridComm)

- The event can be attended from the comfort of home or office.

- Young Professionals can attend the event for only $5 USD!

- The event is spread out over 4-days so that people can selectively pick and choose which sessions they would like to attend, without impeding on their entire work day.


IEEE OnlineGreenComm’16 final program:


Monday November 14, 2016

GMT 15:00 – 15:15, Opening: Conference Chairs (Michela Meo)


GMT 15:15 – 16:15, Keynote I,

Louise Krug, High performance, high availability green networks – How far have we come, what remains problematical, and what solutions might be available


GMT 16:15 – 17:15, Session 1: Sustainability I (Session Chair: Michela Meo)

Philip-Dylan Gleonec; Jeremy Ardouin; Matthieu Gautier; Olivier Berder, Architecture Exploration of Multi-source Energy Harvester for IoT nodes


Bill Schaeffer, An Assessment of the Impacts of Product Packaging on Overall Reliability and Environmental Performance: A Life Cycle Assessment Approach


GMT 17:30 – 18:30, Session 2: Green Wireless I (Session Chair: Mohammed Bahbahani)

Liang Dong, Spectral- and Energy-Efficient Transmission Over Frequency-Orthogonal Channels


Reuben G. Stephen; Rui Zhang, Green OFDMA Resource Allocation in Cache-Enabled CRAN



Tuesday November 15, 2016

GMT 08:00 – 08:40, Session 3: Sustainability II (Session Chair: Paolo Monti)

Xiaojian Zhu, Lifetime Maximization of Connected Differentiated Target Coverage in Energy Harvesting Directional Sensor Networks


Hussein Al Haj Hassan; Kamal Deep Singh; Loutfi Nuaymi, Grid Energy Consumption of Mixed-Traffic Cellular Networks with Renewable Energy Sources


GMT 08:40 – 09:40, Session 4: Green Optical I (Session Chair: Paolo Monti)

Gang Wang; Rentao Gu; Jiawei Zhang; Hui Li; Ji Yuefeng, Asynchronous Delivery Oriented Efficient Resource Allocation in TWDM-PON Enabled Fronthaul


Cicek Cavdar, Green Optical Transport Network Design for 5G Mobile Networks


GMT 09:55 – 11:25, Industrial Panel Discussion: ICT Industry Experience and Perspectives on the Energy Efficiency Challenges for Today, 2020 and Beyond



Wednesday November 16, 2016

GMT 10:00 – 11:00, Thas Nirmalathas, Sustainable Growth of Network Services – Accounting the Energy Consumption at a Service Level and Balancing the Use-Phase and Embodied Energy Consumption

GMT 11:00-12:40, Session 5: Green Optical II (Session Chair: Marco Ruffini)


Vinod Vokkarane, Electricity Cost and Emission Reduction in Optical Networks


Hwa-Chun Lin; Li-Yun Chang; Yuan-Xi Zhuang, Light Trail Design for Energy-efficient Traffic Grooming in Light-trail Optical WDM Networks


Dora van Veen, Energy Efficiency in Future PON


GMT 12:55-13:35, Session 6: Smart Cities I (Session Chair: Josip Lorincz)

Paul Nsonga; S. M. Suhail Hussain; Ikbal Ali; Taha Selim Ustun, Using IEC 61850 and IEEE WAVE Standards in Ad-Hoc Networks for Electric Vehicle Charging Management


Luhao Wang; Yanzhi Wang; Massoud Pedram, Online QoS-Aware Charging Scheduling in Battery Swapping Stations under Dynamic Energy Pricing



Thursday November 17, 2016

GMT 11:00-12:40, Session 7: Green Wireless II (Session Chair: Chin Keong Ho)

Abdurrahman Alfitouri; Khairi A. Hamdi, User Selection Scheme for Amplify-and-Forward Relaying with Zero Forcing


Afif Osseiran, The 5G Main Buildig Blocks


Dr. Pål Frenger, 5G Energy Performance – Challenges and Solutions


GMT 12:55-13:35, Session 8: Smart Cities II (Session Chair: Josip Lorincz)

Armin Ghasem Azar; Rune Hylsberg Jacobsen, Agent-based Charging Scheduling of Electric Vehicles


Alexander Belov; Alexandr Vasenev; Vadim Kartak; Nirvana Meratnia; Paul Havinga, Peak Load Reduction of Multiple Water Heaters: Respecting Consumer Comfort and Money Savings


GMT 13:35 – 15:15, Panel Discussion: IEEE Communications Society Young Professionals on the trends of Green Communications, followed by Virtual Happy Hour


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