News and events

  On February 20, 2025, Josip Lorincz received the Science Award from the home University of Split, Croatia. The award is assign...

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The Special Issue on "Energy-Efficient Communication Networks and Systems: 2nd Edition" organized by Josip Lorincz as a guest edit...

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The 15th Symposium on “Green networking and computing” (SGNC 2024) chaired by Josip Lorincz will be held in the frame of th...

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On November 24, 2023, Josip lorincz gave an Invited talk on the topic entitled “Future Perspectives of the 5G Network Energy-Efficiency” d...

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On October 28, 2023, Josip lorincz will gave an Invited talk on the topic entitled “Impact of user and data volume increase on energy efficiency...

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The new book entitled “Energy-efficient communication networks and systems“, ISBN: 978-3-0365-8966-4 (Hbk), ISBN: 978-3-0365-8967-1 (PDF),...

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During the 47th regular annual assembly of the Croatian Academy of Technical Sciences (HATZ) held in the ceremonial hall of the Faculty of Electrical ...

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The 14th Symposium on “Green networking and computing” (SGNC 2023) chaired by Josip Lorincz will be held in the frame of th...

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On January 30, 2023, Josip Lorincz received the Science Award from the University of Split, Croatia. The award is assigned to the most productive scie...

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The 13th Symposium on “Green networking and computing” (SGNC 2022) co-chaired by Josip Lorincz will be held in the frame of...

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The Special Issue on "Green Networking and Computing" organized by Josip Lorincz, Ph. D. as a guest editor has been opened for sub...

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The Special Issue on "Energy-Efficient Communication Networks and Systems" organized by Josip Lorincz as a guest editor has been opened for ...

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The 12th Symposium on “Green networking and computing” (SGNC 2021) co-chaired by Josip Lorincz will be held in the frame of...

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A team of FESB (Faculty of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and naval architecture) students participated in the largest regional studen...

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The 11th Symposium on “Green networking and computing” (SGNC 2020) co-chaired by Josip Lorincz will be held in the frame of the 28th Inter...

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The 10th Symposium on “Green networking and computing” (SGNC 2019) co-chaired by Josip Lorincz will be held in the frame of...

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The 9th Symposium on green networking and computing (SGNC 2018) organized in the frame of the 26th International Conference on Software, Tel...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) senior member, during Admission and Advancement ...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected for the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) senior member. List of all ACM senior members can be found h...

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The eight Symposium on green networking and computing (SGNC 2017) organized in the frame of the SoftCOM 2017 conference (September...

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The 8th Symposium on “Green Networking and Computing” (SGNC 2017) co-chaired by Josip Lorincz will be held in the frame of the 25th Intern...

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===== The IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications (IEEE OnlineGreenComm’16)====   IEEE OnlineGreenComm’16 Conference Dates: ...

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The seventh Symposium on green networking and computing organized in the frame of the SoftCOM2016 conference (September 22-24, 2016, Hotel Radisson Bl...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected as conference Publicity chair of the IEEE Online conference on Green Communications (IEEE OnlineGreenComm 2016) which ...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected as conference Publicity chair of the 3rd EAI International Conference on Programmable and Virtualized Networks (PROGNE...

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The 7th Symposium on “Green Networking and Computing” (SGNC 2016) co-chaired by Josip Lorincz will be held in the frame of the 24th Intern...

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Osposobljenost za naprednu primjenu informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije bez obzira na stručnu kvalifikaciju, za primjenu te tehnologije na učinko...

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5th Symposium on green networking and computing co-chaired by Josip Lorincz will be organized in the frame of the 22nd International Conference on Sof...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected as Technical Program Committee Member of the 9th International International Multi-Conference on Computing in the...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected as Technical Program Committee Member of the 3rd International Conference of Advances in Computing, Communication...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected by the Okrug Community as laureate for reception of yearly award for year 2013. The award is assigned for scientific...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected as Technical Committee Member of the 2nd International Conference of Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE 2013) which ...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected as Scientific Committee Member of the 21st Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR 2013) which will be held from 26 to 28 Nov...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected as Program Committee Member (PCM) of the fifth International Conference on Networks & Communications (NETCOM-2013)...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected by the Faculty of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and naval architecture (FESB), University of Split, C...

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During Symposium of scientific novices/assistants of FESB organized in the frame of FESB day’s 2013, Josip Lorincz will give presentation on the...

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 Josip Lorincz has been selected by the Croatian Academy of Engineering (Academia Scientiarum Tehnicarum Croatica) as laureate for reception of t...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected as Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of the IEEE conference GLOBECOM 2013, in the frame of Symposium ...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected as Technical Program Committee (TPC) of the International Symposium on Green Networks and Distributed Systems (GNDS 20...

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In the frame of the 11th Croatian Festival of science which is traditionally organised in different cites throughout the Republic of Croatia, Josip Lo...

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CISEx Friday is happening organised by Croatian Independent Software Exporters (CISEx). The 12th CISEx Friday will be organised on Faculty of Economy,...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected as Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of the eighteen IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) 2013...

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The forth Symposium on Green networking and computing co-chaired by Antonio Capone, Ph. D. (Politecnico di Milano) and Josip Lorincz, Ph. D. (Universi...

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Josip Lorincz participated in public discussion dedicated to the future of young scientists in Croatia. Public discussion (tribune) has been organised...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected as Program Committee Member (PCM) of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Inf...

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 Vodič za poslijediplomski studij u inozemstvu Josip Lorincz has published with group of authors: D. Babic and Z. Rakamaric 2nd edition of t...

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The third Symposium on green networking and computing organized in the frame of the SoftCOM 2012 conference (September 11-13, 2012, Hotel Radisson Blu...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected as Technical Program Committee (TPC) of the IEEE  International conference on communications (ICC) 2013, in the f...

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On elections for leaders of the Croatian Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) chapter, held electronically between July 6 and July 10, 2012, Josi...

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Josip Lorincz publishes his first scientific book entitled: "Optimizing energy consumption of wireless access networks". Book publisher is LAP LAMBERT...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected as Program Committee Member (PCM) of the fourth International Conference on Networks & Communications (NETCOM-2012...

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During Symposium of scientific novices/assistants of FESB organised in the frame of FESB day’s, Josip Lorincz will give presentation on the...

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Josip Lorincz accept invitation to serve as an Editor for the International Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology (IJ-ICT). The journa...

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Josip Lororincz will have presentation during 5th panel of the “Renewables – new technologies – challenges of the 21st century&rdquo...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected as Technical Programme Committee (TPC) member of the International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics (ISI) - ...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected as Program Committee Member (PCM) of the second International Conference on Computational Science, Engineering ...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected as Technical Programme Committee (TPC) member of the 20th International Conference on Software, Telecommunication...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected as Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of the IEEE conference GLOBECOM 2012 , in the frame of Symposium...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected as Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of the second IEEE on-line conference GreenCom 2012. GreenCom ...

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Third Symposium on Green networking and computing co-chaired by Josip Lorincz, Ph. D. will be held in the frame of the 20th International Conference o...

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Josip Lorincz has been elected as Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of the IEEE conference ICACCT 2012-International Conference on Advances in ...

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Symposium on Green networking and computing co-chaired by Josip Lorincz, Ph. D. will be held in the frame of the 19th international Conference on Soft...

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Initialization lecture of Josip Lorincz for assistant professor election will be held on June 7, 2011 at main classroom A100 of FESB building. Lecture...

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Biography of Josip Lorincz has been chosen for inclusion in 29th edition of Who's Who in the World biographical database that will be published for ye...

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Josip Lorincz has been selected as Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of the first IEEE on-line conference GreenCom. GreenCom covers...

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Symposium on Green networking and computing co-chaired by Josip Lorincz, Ph. D. will be held in the frame of the 19th International Conference on...

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U petak, 29. listopada 2010. godine, u amfiteatru A101 sa početkom u 11:00 sati dr. sc. Josip Lorincz će održati javnu prezentaciju rezultata ostvaren...

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Call for participation in Symposium on Green networking co-chaired by Josip Lorincz, Ph. D. Symposium is organized during International Conferenc...

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Presentation will be held starting at 12:00 (CET) on July 16, 2010 in teleconferencing room A126 of FESB building.

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Presentation will be held starting at 11:00 (CET) on February 22, 2010 in teleconferencing room A126 of FESB building.

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